Mission and Vision


Our communities understand, recognize, and use MVHPC as the primary resource for hospice palliative care and 100% of palliative persons in our community use MVHPC services.


Madawaska Valley Hospice Palliative Care Program (MVHPC) provides compassionate support to enhance the quality of living and dying.


Patient Centred, Respect, Compassion, Integrity, Pursuit of Excellence, Teamwork

Person Centred- We will listen and consult with client, family members, volunteers, partners and staff when making decisions

Respect- due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, culture, traditions and beliefs even if different or in conflict with your own, while maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of all involved

Compassion- to feel for each person and to act thoughtfully with kindness and caring

Integrity- to act honestly and having a consistent and uncomprimising adherence to strong moral and ethical principals 

Persuit of Excellence- striving to continually impove, enhance or expand what is currently being done

Teamwork- the collaborative effort to achieve a common goal or to complete a task in the most effective and efficient way, using the strengths. skills and talents of its members